Saturday, May 29, 2010


Berita Terkini

Workshop on Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) and Organization and Management Arrangement

[] The Faculty of Medicine of UNPAD in cooperation with the Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics UNPAD organized a Workshop on SOP and Organization and Management Arrangement for any departments secretaries as well as head of sub units in every departments. The Workshop was held at the 5th floor of UNPAD Teaching Hospital Jalan Eijkman 38 Bandung


Midwifery professional oath ceremony

The Midwifery Diploma Program inaugurated its 15th batch and there was also a professional oath ceremony for the graduates. The Ceremony was held at the 2nd floor Auditorium Hall at UNPAD Teaching Hospital Jalan Eijkman 38 Bandung.


About 135 participants of WANADRI members selection participated in the psychological test at the 6th floor of UNPAD Teaching Hospital East Wing on Saturday 22 May 2010. The Psychological Test was assisted by The Services and Psychological Innovation Office of the Faculty of Psychology UNPAD. This is one of the examination series that required for all WANADRI applicants

WANADRI is an organization for those who have concern and care for the environment, nature life as well as outdoor activities.


Public Servant Professional Oath Official Ceremony

Due to the condition that there are still many staffs of the Faculty of Medicine of UNPAD who have never participated in the official ceremony of public servants professional oath (the ceremony is a MUST for all public servants in Indonesia based on Government Regulation/Undang-Undang no.8/1974) to arrange the ceremony in more efficient way since 2004 (based on Vice Rector II of UNPAD official announcement no 3788/J06.2/KP/2004 of Public Servants Professional Oath and Vice Rector II UNPAD official letter no.5096/H6.3/TU/2010 15 March 2010 of Public Servants professional oath ceremony details) the ceremony will be arranged by each faculties


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