Saturday, May 29, 2010

Program Magister Manajemen Gas UI

This time I want to post interesting news about Lionel Messi, I found some sites especially entertainment sites and news discuss about Ariel Peterpan, here the short summary of iPhone 4
Teknik Kimia - Program Magister Manajemen Gas

Magister Program of Gas Management

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1. Background
Natural gas is a potential fossil energy resource. Due to its abundant reserves, the natural gas plays important role for Indonesia revenue, as petrochemical raw material as well as clean, efficient, economical fuel for industry, power plants and other sectors. Such great importance demands human resources who have good technical and managerial skills in gas field. To ensure these resources, the Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia is conducting Engineering Master Program in the field of Gas Management

2. Purposes of the Program

1. To produce Master graduates in Engineering Management who have competencies in gas technology and management dealing with gas industry structure, gas economics, gas treatment, gas transmission and distribution system, gas storage, gas utilization, and energy/gas policies.
2. To produce Master graduates in Engineering Management who are capable of becoming leaders in gas and energy industry and capable of developing science, technology and management of gas consistently.

3. Who need this Program?

This Program can be enrolled by executives, management and staff in gas or energy companies, management and staff in gas and oil institutions, engineering consultants who intend to improve their knowledge and academic recognition.

4. Requirements

The candidates must have graduated as S1 level in chemical engineering, gas and petrochemical engineering, petroleum engineering, geology, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, metallurgical engineering, electrical engineering, chemistry, physics, mathematics and material science as well as economics from accredited state universities or private universities, and overseas universities with S1 certificates legalized by Ministry of Education.

5. Education system

Education system refers to a curriculum based on education system in Postgraduate Program University of Indonesia.Lecturing activities is lead to being active learning in the forms of group discussion, problem solving and special studies. The students have obligations to conduct research and write their research up into thesis and defend their thesis.

6. Academic duration and loads

Master Program consists of 4 (four) semester with academic load of 40 credits covering lectures (28 credits), seminar (3 credits) and thesis (9 credits). In general this program can be concluded in 2 years, and maximum 6 semesters with minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 2.75.

7. Subjects

Semester 1:
Managing technology for competitive advantage (3 credits)

Managerial engineering economics (3 credits)

Engineering project management (3 credits)

Natural gas processing (3 credits)

Semester 2:

System engineering management (3 credits)

Natural gas transportation and utilisation (3 credits)

Risk management (3 credits)

Thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbons (3 credits)

Semester 3:

Natural gas economics (3 credits)

Sustainable energy (2 credits)

Research methodology and seminar (3 credits)

Health and safety in natural gas industries (2 credits)

Semester 4:

Thesis (6 credits)

8. Main Course sylabus

Engineering Project Management

Concepts and functions of project management; planning and scheduling techniques and methods; control techniques and methods; visibility evaluation and decision on investment; human resources and supplies; project implementation; selected topic on natural gas project.

Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbon

Thermodynamic properties and phase equilibrium principal for application of processes related to gas production, gas treatment, transportation and gas distribution, gas storage, and gas combustion, other gas source properties such as methane hydrate, coalbed methane and their comparison with other types of fossil energies such as oil and coals.

Natural Gas Processing

Natural gas dehydration and sweetening; mercury removal; gas liquefaction process (LNG, LPG), gas compression process (CNG).

Natural Gas Transportation and Utilization

Natural gas transportation and storage: gas pipeline, CNG transportation, LNG transportation, small scale LNG, LNG receiving terminal, underground storage; natural gas utilization: gas to heat (clean combustion), gas to wire (GTW): combined cycle, fuel cells, micro turbine, gas to liquids (GTL), gas to chemicals (GTC), natural gas vehicles (NGVs).

Natural Gas Economics

Rule of thumb of natural gas value chain: natural gas production, LNG, CNG, pipeline, gas storage, GTL, GTC, GTW; supply-demand of natural gas; natural gas industry structure; contract and cost estimation in natural gas project; natural gas pricing; tariff, and market; deregulation on natural gas industry and natural gas policy.

Risk Management

Risk management overview; risk management implementation; risk planning and identification consideration; risk analysis consideration, risk handling and monitoring consideration; case studyon risk analysis of natural gas industries.

Sustainable Energy

Development concept and sustainable energy; interrelation between energy system and social system; ecology/environmental system and economic system; conventional (fossil) energy system and global changing issue; natural gas as a bridge for future energy; renewable energy; analysis method of sustainable system: LCA, EMS; national and international policy for sustainable energy: Kyoto Protocol, Clean Development Mechanism.


Writing and presenting a research proposal. The proposal contains states of the art, problem identification, objectives, hypothesis, scopes, method, and literature survey.

Research implementation based on the research proposal presented in the seminar; analysis of research results; thesis writing and presentation.

9. Lectures

All academic activities are held in Gedung Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia Kampus UI Salemba in evening times. Lectures in the second term of the academic year 2007-2008 commences in early January 2008.

10. Where the Student come from?
The students of Gas Management Program mostly come from industries, government offices and academic institutions, such as Pertamina, PT PGN, BPPPTMGB Lemigas, Ditjen Migas, BP and BPH Migas, ConnocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil Oil, Chevron, BP, PT. ENI Indonesia, BPPT and many others.

11. Education fees

* Educational operation fee or Biaya Operasional Pendidikan (BOP) Rp. 13.000.000,-/semester;

* Student welfare and facility fees or Dana Kesejahteraan dan Fasilitas Mahasiswa (DKFM) Rp. 75.000,-/semester;

* Educational ancillary fee or Dana Pelengkap Pendidikan (DPP) Rp. 500.000,-/program;

* Development fee or Dana Pengembangan (DP) Rp. 5.000.000,-/program.

12. Registration and entry examination

* Schedules of registration, entry examination and announcement

Registration: February 11 - March 19, 2008 and April 28 - Juni 27, 2008;

Entry examination: April, 5-6 2008 and July, 5-6 2008

Examination result announcement: April 19, 2008 and July 26, 2008.

* Entry examination materials

First day

Academic potential test or Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA),



Second day


Special materials,


* Registration venue

Gedung Pelayanan Mahasiswa Terpadu

Kampus UI Depok 16424

Phone: 021-7864126, 021-7270026


Online via the website

* Registration fee

Registration fee is Rp. 400.000,- and payable through ATM (see for more detailed information).

Please find the General Guideline of Registration in

13. Further Information

Departement of Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia

Kampus UI Depok 16424

Phone: 021-7863516

Fax. : 021-7863515



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